
The newly relaunched Oral Reconstruction Foundation (former CAMLOG Foundation) is proud to announce the continuation of its renowned Research Award. The Research Award is presented every two years and is open to all young, talented scientists/researchers and dedicated professionals from universities, hospitals and practices.

The expected scientific papers must be published or accepted for publication in English in a peer-reviewed journal. They must address one of these topics in implant dentistry, oral reconstruction or related areas:

• Diagnostics and planning
• Hard- and soft-tissue management
• Sustainability of implant-supported prosthetics
• Physiological and pathophysiological aspects
• Advances in digital procedures

The winner of the Oral Reconstruction Foundation Research Award 2016/2017 will have the opportunity to present his/her work to a wider audience on the occasion of the Oral Reconstruction Global Symposium which takes place in Rotterdam, Netherlands, April 26-28, 2018. Furthermore, the authors of the three best contributions will receive prizes of EUR 10’000, EUR 6’000 and EUR 4’000 respectively.

The entry conditions and the mandatory registration form can be downloaded from www.orfoundation.org/awards. Registration deadline is November 30, 2017.