Oral Reconstruction Foundation
The Oral Reconstruction Foundation exists to drive progress in oral reconstruction for the benefit of the people who need it most: patients. We firmly believe that the best way to serve patients’ needs and ensure ongoing therapeutic improvement is for universities, dental practitioners and industry to work closely together and share their expertise and research findings.
Oral Reconstruction Foundation U.S. Section
The primary goal of the Oral Reconstruction Foundation is to provide ongoing, top-quality reconstructive dentistry education to facilitate the exchange of knowledge between dental practitioners. As a continuing education provider through the Academy of General Dentistry, the OR Foundation presents and supports lectures, seminars, hands-on courses, live surgeries and surgical partnerships to further enable dental clinicians from all disciplines to improve the lives of patients.
The main goal of the Oral Reconstruction Foundation is to strengthen research and education in implant dentistry and related fields. The OR Foundation provides a platform for scientists, practitioners and industry to exchange ideas, scientific and clinical knowledge.
As an education provider, the OR Foundation presents and supports continuing education to further enable dental professionals from all disciplines to improve the lives of patients.
The best prerequisite for serving patients is a close collaboration between universities, practitioners and industry to ensure continuous therapeutic improvement. The goal of the OR Foundation is to secure progress in implant dentistry and related areas by creating and imparting new scientific knowledge for the benefit of patients.
The Oral Reconstruction (OR) Foundation was originally founded in 2006 as the CAMLOG Foundation by the CAMLOG Company in Basel, Switzerland and relaunched in 2016 as the independent OR Foundation. The US Section of the OR Foundation was founded that same year.
From the outset, the OR Foundation has supported basic and applied research projects, granted research funding to young scientists, and promoted training and continuous education. It has established a networking platform for international experts in a wide range of disciplines to foster the permanent exchange of knowledge and ideas.
The Foundation firmly believes that the best way to consolidate the scientific basis of oral reconstruction and serve patients’ needs is to promote close international collaboration between universities, practitioners, technicians, and industry. Activities organized or planned under the patronage of the OR Foundation respect these principles in the same way they support the Foundation’s objective: teaming up science and education to serve the patient.